Sumqayıt ş., Sumqayıt Biznes Mərkəzi 708 otaq.

Valuation of assets

Azkommers Brokers LLC offers real estate and movable property valuation services in various regions of Azerbaijan, such as Baku, Ganja, Lankaran, Sheki and others. You can also add information that our appraisers have experience working with various types of property, including commercial real estate, residential buildings, land, cars and other assets.

Movable and immovable property valuation services are intended for a wide range of clients, including:

1. Individuals: those wishing to evaluate their property before selling or buying, as well as for inheritance purposes;
2. Business clients: who need to value their assets for accounting purposes, share transactions or mergers, investors and creditors;
3. Government organizations: which need to evaluate property for tax and budget purposes.
4. Independent investors: to assess the value of enterprises or businesses when buying or selling them.
5. Banks and financial institutions: to evaluate the collateral purchased as collateral, as well as to assess the financial risks associated with the provision of credit or investment.

What is the need for valuation of movable and immovable property in Azerbaijan for non-residents?

1. Purchasing real estate: If non-residents are planning to purchase real estate in Azerbaijan, a cost assessment will help them make sure that they are not overpaying for real estate.
2. Legal procedures: Property valuation is an important step in the preparation of legal documents such as sales contracts and lease agreements. It may also be necessary to determine the amount of collateral when obtaining loans for the purchase of property.
3. Accounting and audit: Property valuation is an important element of accounting and auditing of companies in Azerbaijan. It may be necessary for reporting, as well as for assessing the financial condition of the company.
4. Litigation: In the event of litigation, an appraisal of property may be necessary to determine the amount of compensation or damages.
5. Inheritance: Property valuation may be necessary to determine inheritance rights and rights to gift property.
6. Insurance: A property appraisal can help determine the cost of an insurance policy for personal and immovable property.
7. Investing: Property valuation is an important step in making investment decisions as it can help determine the potential returns and risks of an investment.

Azkommers Brokers LLC provides professional services for the valuation of movable and immovable property that meet the valuation standards adopted in Azerbaijan. Our appraisers have extensive experience and a high level of professionalism, which guarantees the accuracy and objectivity of the assessments.